Recognizing Service to Minoa

Individuals Who Shine!
Achieving distinction takes remarkable people—those with a sense of purpose, integrity, and a deep commitment to doing the right thing. These are the individuals who make the world a better place during times of need. That spirit of service is what the Minoa Fire Department’s awards ceremony is all about.
On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the Minoa Fire Department gathered to honor the outstanding contributions of its members. Joining the celebration were Mayor Bill Brazill, Fire Commissioner Bobby Schepp, Trustee John Abbott, and Deputy Clerk Barb Sturick of the Village of Minoa, along with fire chiefs from neighboring departments that provide mutual aid, including Chief Jim Ostrowski of Bridgeport FD, Chief John Hart of Kirkville Fire Company, Chief Jansen Casscles of Manlius FD, and Chris Smith representing Minoa Ambulance.
Honoree of the Year
Deputy Chief Trevor Van Auken inducted Past Chief and Life Member Chuck Mullane into the Honoree Club. Chuck was recognized for his decades of dedicated service to the Minoa community. Learn more about his life journey [here].
Special Recognition
• Mayor’s Award: Mayor Brazill presented this award to Corporation President Tim Decker for his exceptional leadership as the liaison between the Village and the Department.
• Commissioner’s Award: Fire Commissioner Bobby Schepp recognized Firefighter Colin Decker for his can-do and will-do attitude.

In Memoriam
The ceremony included a moment of silence to honor the passing of Life Members Ray Matthes and Bill Bryant. The Department also expressed gratitude to the widows of past members—Shiela Alessandrello-Dimkos, Patty Deberjeois, and Marilyn Macco—for their continued involvement.
A heartfelt thank-you was extended to the spouses, partners, and supporters of Minoa’s first responders, whose encouragement and sacrifices make the Department’s work possible.

Training Accomplishments
Members were recognized for their dedication to professional development:
• Apparatus Operator – Aerial Device: FF Drew Cavanaugh
• Apparatus Operator – Pump: Lt. Jeremy DiBello
• Basic Aircraft Firefighting: Lt. Dominic Erard
• Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations: FF Matt Jennings
• Basic & Interior Firefighting Operations: FF Tim Hess
• Emergency Medical Technician Basic: FF Drew Cavanaugh
• Engine Company Operations: Lt. Dominic Erard
• Firefighter 2: Chief Don Grevelding
• Fire Officer 1: FF Colin Decker
• Fire Officer 2: FF Jeremy Erard, Deputy Chief Trevor Van Auken
• Fire Officer 3: Chief Don Grevelding, Deputy Chief Tim Visser
• Fire Police: FF Mike Abbott

Top 10 Responders for 2024
Certificates were awarded to the department’s most active members:
- FF Jeremy Erard (338 responses)
- Lt. Jeremy DiBello (292)
- Lt. Dave Hess (228)
- FF Drew Cavanaugh (205)
- Restricted FF Tim Hess (200)
- Lt. Dominic Erard (192)
- Deputy Chief Trevor Van Auken (184)
- Capt. Tony Alessandrello (155)
- Chief Don Grevelding (148)
- FF Jake Hoffman (147)

Years of Service Awards
Longevity and commitment were celebrated with the following recognitions:
• 15 Years: FF Jeremy Cunningham, FF Dan Erard
• 20 Years: Past Chief/Life Member Erich Schepp
• 25 Years: Life Member Todd Durantini, Past Chief/Life Member Matt McGarrity
• 35 Years: Past Deputy Chief David Matthes, Jr.
• 40 Years: Life Member Wendy Czajak
• 50 Years: Life Members Wayne Konseck, Jack Robie, and FF Jim Schuyler
• 55 Years: Life Member Alan Archer

Life Member Awards

Life Member awards were presented to:
• Past Captain Nick Carulli
• Past Chief Pat Flannery
• Past Deputy Chief Chuck Spratt
Special Awards
• Longest-Serving Member Award: Presented by Past Deputy Chief David Matthes, Jr. to his father, David Matthes, Sr.
• Britt Van Auker Award: Presented to the Department’s oldest living member, Wayne Konseck.
• Member of the Year: Presented to Bob Bellandi by Corporation President Tim Decker.
• President’s Award: Presented to Randy Capriotti, Jr.
• Firefighter of the Year: Chief Grevelding presented this award to Zach Van Auken.
• Chief’s Award: Presented to Rich Sabin.
• Red Jacket Award: OCVFA Director Tina Cali presented this award to Wayne Konseck and Jack Robie.

The Minoa Fire Department thanks the Banquet Committee—Rich Sabin, Colin Decker, Bob Bellandi, Al Tompkins, and Jen Sabin—for organizing a wonderful evening. Appreciation also goes to DJ Rocking Rob and Sam, and the staff at The Turning Stone Resort Casino for hosting. Finally, a special thank-you to the Fayetteville Fire Department for covering the Minoa fire district during the celebration.