So Long, Alec

"Our cleanup will benefit the Village of Minoa and all who visit."
Alec Furdui is our colleague, teammate, and firefighter brother. He is returning to his native Romania after giving a year of his life and talents to the Minoa Fire Department and Central New York.
The ESM High School junior sometimes presented his firefighter teammates with a paradox. He was the most respectful son, yet he spoke his mind in an unvarnished way. No doubt, his strong personality helped him to persevere as an exchange student and also to propose and complete tasks that bettered our Fire Department and the Village of Minoa.
Alec recruited volunteers, including many from Boy Scout Troop 210, the Minoa Fire Department, and others to clean North Main Street in Minoa. In an interview with the Eagle Bulletin Online, Alec said, “North Main Street is the most frequently visited street in Minoa by pedestrians and drivers; so, it would benefit the Village to improve its appearance and have it be seen as a nicer and cleaner space. This is for not only people passing through but more importantly [for] the people who live here.”

In that same interview, Alec stated that his reason for the cleanup is a desire to make as much of an impact as he can while he’s in town.
We hope Alec has benefitted as much as from the Minoa Fire Department and Central New York as he generously gave us. The light is always on at Fire Station No. 1 for Alec. Ne vedem mai târziu. (“See you later.”)